I have officially merged my baby blog with our family blog. It only makes sense and was too hard to keep both updated! This week brought us an avocado. (Weird, since when are avocados larger than oranges?!) Baby J's tiny bones are forming in her ears, which means the little one can now pick up my voice. The other day I was belting out Christmas carols and I let Justin know that if she grows up to be the next Hannah Montana, credit goes to me because I'm constantly singing. He abruptly reminded me that our child would have better chances of becoming a singer if I did not sing. (hehe...too true.) Her eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. We could also potentially be able to affirm that she is a she. However, our doctor prefers if we wait to determine gender until after 20 weeks, and our next appointment falls at 18. :( So we'll have to wait until January. However, as I've said numerous times...(and I may eat these words) ....I'm pretty sure it's a girl. Until than, all this talk about our little avocado has made me hungry for guacamole! Mmmm.....
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