Okay, I am a little goofy (hence this post title) because I am done with grad school and I have one day left of work! But let us get to the goods:
I am at week 19...wowza! I promise to post a belly-shot at week 20. Which will be perfect, it will be extra plump from the holidays! So instead of just a baby-belly, it will be more like a baby-ham-cookie-sugar-mashed potato-gravy-belly! My energy is still up, I have no complaints because I have been feeling fantastic! I still do not have any food cravings. I have been enjoying foods that I do not typically eat a lot of....but not craving anything to the point where I kick Justin out of bed at 2am to make me something! (Which he is thankful for!) On my "Food Hit List" is grapefruit, clementines, and waffles! All foods I liked before, but never ate. Now, I eat them (all) daily! :) We had a doctor's appointment last Friday morning, and although we did not get to determine the gender, we were able to hear the heartbeat in between the baby's kicks and punches! The heart rate rang in at 157! We also decided to do the "quad testing" which is a simple blood test that determines the baby's odds for cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, spina bifida, and any chromosomal abnormalities. Our next appointment is scheduled for the 6th of January. This appointment is dedicated to determining gender and measuring all of the babies parts! My Doc said to eat a bunch of sugar 30 minutes prior to the appointment in hopes that baby will become really active and "flash" us! Hehe
Again, we have so much to be thankful for this holiday season!
Happy Holidays!
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