Oh the joy of being plump! I truly have no complaints at this time during my pregnancy. I have been enjoying every moment. My appetite has finally picked up which should mean that I will hopefully be packing on some poundage to make my doctor happy. I continue to have (almost) normal amounts of energy. I can tell my body is working hard because all though my workouts have stayed the same, I can feel my body working harder to make it to that 30 minute mark where I allow myself to joyfully smack the big red "stop" button on the treadmill! I also continue to feel that baby moving around. It has become a little less frequent, but he-she is still sending me "love-taps" to remind me that they are there. Exactly one week until we find out the sex!!
Yes! I love the picture! Halfway there already! I'm still betting it's a boy...
that is the cutest pic of your little bump!
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