Thursday, May 27, 2010

One Week Old!

This has been the quickest week in history!
Happy One Week Old Ms. Hannah!

This time has flown right by! Justin and I could not be anymore smitten with this little lady. She continues to be a pretty "easy" baby to take care of! Rarely does she ever cry, and when she does it usually means that she is hungry, has gas or wants to be snuggled! Everyone asks how lack of sleep and night times are going and to be perfectly honest- they have not been anything horrible. I used to love sleeping more than sleeping in, I love spending time with Hannah! When she needs to be fed (usually about every 2-3 hours) we are able to feed, change and burp all in under 40 minutes! She is such a good baby that we are even able to put her back down in her crib awake and she will fall asleep on her own, rarely crying! (knock on a big fat piece of wood!) She still sleeps a lot, as newborns do- but when she is awake, she is so much fun to interact with. She definitely recognizes Justin and my voice, she enjoys tugging on Justin's nose and pulling out his chest hairs! She is so much fun to have around and we just cannot get enough snuggles in!...I know what you are thinking!
....Enough talk and on with the pictures!!!

We have been completeY spoiled by friends, family and neighbors! Justin and I have yet to make a dinner for ourselves! Tonight Uncle Thomas came by for a visit and prepared a gourmet dinner for mom, dad and Auntie Tiff! He marinated and grilled a flank steak, complete with sides of asparagus, sweet potatoes and sauteed onion! Mmmmm..... It was delicious- thanks Thomas!

So I may not be blogging as frequently (I will try to improve....)- but I hope that is enough photos to tide you over until next time! Have a wonderful looooong weekend everyone!


Anne said...

Great Photos! Love the one of her feet and butt :) Can't wait to see her again!

Beth said...

Glad to hear you are all doing great! Love the pictures - keep them coming! :)