Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Little Bundle

We have survived so far! However, now the true test of parenthood starts. We no longer have a bright red button that reads, "Nurse" at our fingertips! We were greeted with a clean home, a welcome sign, fresh flowers, and a meal in the fridge- all thanks to my wonderful sister!
We knew we let her move in with us for a reason! :)
So let us go back in time from the beginning...
I was scheduled for a second induction Thursday morning at 6:30am. However, I went into labor on my own starting at 2:00am. I was able to labor at home until our scheduled appointment, so we showed up at labor and delivery only a little early. We got all checked in (again) and things kept progressing nicely on their own. I was fortunate to never feel painful and unbearable contractions. I received an epidural around 9:30am because the anesthesiologist just happened to already be on the floor. A little before 1:30 we started pushing, and a very long three hours later, Ms. Hannah Mae entered the world!
(Hospital favors for all of our wonderful visitors!)

A gift for the newest daddy on the block.

There is nothing more powerful than seeing your child for the first time. Words literally cannot describe what emotions pass through you. She is beautifully perfect in every single way.
Below is our ever-so-wonderful doctor, Dr. Lefebvre.

Going home today!...
Being placed in the dreaded car seat for the first time. This may be my most favorite photo!
Now that we are home, we are doing a lot of snuggling and taking it all in.
We did have an important introduction to complete...
...and I am happy to report that it went well. Riley loves Hannah, and has been watching over her since she got home. He is surprisingly calm and gentle with her.
I am equally happy to say that the remainder of our afternoon will look like this:
Bags are thrown all over the clean house- but we are tuckered out. So while Hannah is sleeping- daddy and mommy are going to take advantage and do some sleeping ourselves! Good night and thanks for stopping by to check in.
Life is absolutely perfect right now.


Kristine said...

I am so glad you are home!! And, I love the picture of her screaming. Too cute :)

Anne said...

YAY! She is sooooo adorable :) So fun to see her at home! LOVE all the photos...and her "going home" hat ;)

Unknown said...

Anne- we got so many compliments on her hat! It is too cute -thanks again!

Anne said...

By the way . . . Ella and I planted our "Hannah seeds" on Saturday. Can't wait to see them start to come up . . . at least I hope they do!! I am a horrible gardener :)

PS - I LOVE her blanket....where did you get it made?