While having "tummy-time" today, Hannah rolled over!! I had her on her belly, and she rolled right over. I thought surely that it was a mistake since belly-to-back roll-overs are not supposed to happen until around month three...so I put her on her belly again, and sure enough, she rolled right over again! I caught two of the many times on video so Justin could see....
The only thing that could make this better was if the photos were shot with my GOOD camera! My little Canon powershot just is not cutting it. Stupid Canon is making me mail my other camera back to them...at least it is covered under the manufacturer's warranty. Who knows how long it will take to get back from them....grrrr.
Your daughter is amazing!!! All my girls didn't roll over until after they were 3 months!! She must be a future olympian!
AND I love your photos! adorable!
Yea Hannah - that is so fun to see! :)
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