I can tell that I have been having "mommy-issues" with Hannah getting older. Instead of 100 kisses a day, she has been receiving about 200. I say, "I love you" almost 40 times a day- because selfishly it is the cutest thing in the world when she says it back: "I-ow-vu!" I have been rocking her to sleep, and cuddling her non-stop. But the fact is- my little girl is getting older and more independent.
Here is what we are up to at 2:
Best Parts of the Last Year:
Watching her learn and develop. It's so fun listening to her full sentences and connecting things and situations. She is no longer just stating words, but actually talking with the intent to interact and communicate.
Baths, applesauce, bubbles, kisses, necklaces and bracelets, putting on mommy's shoes, bugs, birds, "choo-choos" being outside, walks, bike rides, fruit, ice cream, chocolate, Papa, kicking a soccer ball, gymnastics
Meat...or almost any other food for that matter. Also absolutely hates when someone tries to do something for her. (Little Miss Independent)
Sleeps 11-12 hours a night, takes a 3 hour afternoon nap
Size 4 (moving soon to size 5) diapers, 2-3T clothing, size 6 shoes
Still cautious with her physical abilities, she doesn't shy away from trying...she just takes her time and reaches out for her mama and daddy's hand for security. She is getting to be less shy around new people and enjoys being around other kids. She is still a watcher and observer- she is not the leader of the pack. She is easy to transition and continues to be a pretty "easy" overall kid. (We are going to pay for it when she is a teen!...or with this next one.) She is still a mama's girl right now and I will take it because I know it probably won't last! We are starting to see signs of her testing her independence. She knows that her daddy will stick to his guns and hold her responsible, whereas her mama definitely needs to work on that more! We joke that she is obsessive about things like making sure doors and drawers are completely shut, there are no crumbs on the floor and that water is all wiped up. We got ourselves a little neat-freak! (She doesn't get that from me!)
Hannah, you have blessed our world with laughter and pride. You are loved beyond words. We spent your second birthday at the Como Zoo, Sea Life at the Mall of America, and IKEA. (Okay, the last one was more for me). You woke up to Elmo and chocolate chip pancakes and enjoyed playing with all of your new toys! Now on with your photos.
Hannah the newest two-year-old:
(When we say "Cheese!" this is what we get...)
Happy Birthday little girl! Mommy and Daddy love you!!
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