Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Camera Phone Update

Here is what we have been up to:
Free community shows in the park... this one was a bit creepy- but Hannah enjoyed the clown show. This week is some yo-yo guy so we will check it out again.

Beating the heat by staying indoors...pulled out all of our "rainy day" activities....

Not sure what this next photo has anything to do with....er, just kidding. I eat a lot of ice cream.

Hating the construction going on right next door. Hannah sleeps right through it- but I do not.

Checked out the Ramsey County library in Roseville and happy to report that Hannah loved it.

We had to leave early though because Hannah is in this relentless "MINE!" stage. Every time a kid walks within a 3 foot radius of Hannah, she yells, "MINE!" It's embarrassing- and although developmentally appropriate, it needs to pass. If I received one penny for every time the word "share" comes out of my mouth on a daily basis- I wouldn't worry anymore about being broke on my upcoming maternity leave.
In other summer news- we are staying indoors and cool. I enjoyed being pregnant in the winter- the summer is a whole other story. Ick. Hannah is in a huge baby phase right now. She is all about her baby dolls. They have to ride in the car with her, go grocery shopping with her, take naps, take baths, eat after her, snack after her, color with her....argh. The list goes on. I guess it is good practice for when baby brother arrives. Just be warned, little man, she carries her babies around one of two ways: 1. One foot so they are dangling upside down or 2. By the tops of their heads.
You have been warned little brother!
About little brother, our next appointment is Monday afternoon followed by a tour of the hospital on Wednesday. Justin has yet to start his room and has since told me that if he has not started it by August 1st, then I can get knee deep in planning and decorating. So we shall see if he steps up to the challenge in the next couple of weeks.
I think that is it for updates- stay cool everyone!

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