Monday, December 21, 2009

Peace Out Saint Mary's.

With my graduate program officially completed, I am DONE with school FOREVER!
(or so I say now.) After my exit interview, my official papers were signed and I can now say that I have a graduate degree in Education. Tonight Justin and I "whooped-it-up" with a whole bottle of some sparkling cider.....yeah, things got a little crazy on a school night! Hahah. I got roses and he even officially toasted me, which was cute because I could tell that he totally prepared a little speech! (This won't go away with children, right?!?!) He topped off his toast to me in "Justin-style" by saying, "Now that you're done, I expect more homemade dinners!" Hmmm....

Way to go Saint Mary's crew! We did it- WaHoooooooooo!

1 comment:

K said...

Congratulations! No more deadlines and Saturday morning classes! Merry Christmas to you and Justin!