Baby J is
passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. We went from an onion to a sweet potato?!...weird. You all seem to believe that we are having a baby-boy, hopefully we'll find out on Friday morning! We're having the Doc write it down on a little scrapbook piece and than tucking it inside an envelope so we can open it up together at home. Obviously Justin will have to take the envelope with him when we leave the clinic, because duh...I'll just open it and a look! :)-
Have I mentioned that I actually feel a bit more energy these days? Instead of going to bed at six or seven, I now go to bed around nine! Huge improvements! This weekend we were busy...I had class and homework...than we met up with a bunch of friends at ACME comedy club for dinner and a show. Although I was disappointed in the main act, dinner was fun and it is always nice to catch up with this group of people!

No, we didn't get another dog- and no, that is not Riley. Justin and I have become the ultimate dog-sitters these days! We doggy-sat my coworkers bichon-poodle. His name just happens to be "Max." :(

Max was about as lazy as Riley & Justin!
I do not know about the rest of you, but I have a four-day-week and only 5 days until winter break! Holla'!
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