- Holding my head up like a champ
- I push forward with my strong legs when I am forced to be on my belly. I look like a little inch worm!
- Making and holding more eye contact with mom and dad.
- Cooing more and more
- Eating up to 6 ounces at time!
- Sleeping for 5 hour stretches at night...but only when I feel like it- mom and dad have no say.
- Sleeping for 5 hour stretches at night...but only when I feel like it- mom and dad have no say.
- I rolled from my belly to my back once, but only because I was REALLY mad at mom for making me do more tummy time!
- Noticing more colors and shapes
-Smiling more and more, gas related or not!
****Hannah has been doing amazing since she has been born. We continue to fall in love with her more and more every day. I think she receives the most kisses in a 24 hour time frame than anyone else in this world. She still has some pretty entertaining characteristics- for example, her arms and hands are ALWAYS moving. She swats at her bottles, swats at our faces when we lean in for kisses, and she refuses to have them swaddled in with the rest of her body. When she gets really mad, she makes fists and starts pumping her arms all over the place and grunting in unison! It is hilarious! I will try to get it on camera. She most enjoys being snuggled, we can rarely put her down. She loves when Justin comes home from work. As soon as she hears his voice, she freezes and looks over in his direction and waits for his big kiss. I cannot believe that 4 weeks has already come and went. This next four weeks will bring some exciting times for her. Including, her first hotel stay over the 4th of July, a Kahler family vacation, and meeting her great Aunt Marilyn from Arizona! It will be an exciting month!
Now...on with the photos! She's even showing off some of her tummy-skills in one!

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