We had some bad weather out here in the sticks... Not nearly as bad as other locations in Minnesota. Just some major thunderstorms mixed with a good dose of golf ball sized hail...

My father has always called when bad weather is in the area. This time when our phone rang, he did not seem to care so much for Justin and my safety. When I answered the phone the first thing he said was, "Is my granddaughter in the basement?!" I tried to ruffle his feathers and told him, Not only was Hannah NOT in the basement- his entire family was up here. Including my live-in sister, brother, his girlfriend and all my parent's grand-dogs! hehe... While my brother and his girlfriend Andrea are vacationing in Hawaii for 10 days, we get their dog, Murphy!....Here are some photos of Murphy lounging around the Johnston residence...and lastly a photo of Riley stealing Murphy's bed!

Little H continues to do well. However she still has not gotten over wanting to be held 24/7. We have tried the baby bjorn, which I am confident she will grow into liking, but for now- she is not a fan. So my tired arms have had enough, and Justin's back is in agony. All day long, I try to brush my teeth, eat, clean and do other daily chores with her attached to my arms. I try letting her "cry-it-out" on the floor, but she wails into a full out sweating, hicupping, tantrum after 30 seconds. And so I did what I said I would never do. I bought a Moby Wrap. It's about 5 yards of fabric that can be twisted, folded, and wrapped into about 20 different positions for you to hold, sling, snuggle and wrap your baby in. Justin and I figure that this is the solution for giving us our arms back since Hannah likes being snuggled close to our bodies and she loves being swaddled. So I forfeited the outrageous $40.00 for fabric and bought a Moby. Below are just three of the many examples of how a Moby can be used:

Now, onto Justin's examples of how a Moby can be used:


Typical guy claiming he does not need to read directions

I will report back on whether or not she likes it!
1 comment:
hahahahahaha! at least he didn't make it into a Borat-type swim suit!
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