This past Friday night my sister was up and to show my 20-something-year-old-sister what "having a wild night" means for a family, we took her to Rockin Rogers Days.:) Hannah has a new love for carnival games, rides and sugar highs. And pretty sure that Tiff has a new love for her young care-free days.
What happens when you give a toddler cotton candy past their bedtime?....An all out screaming drag-out to the car. :)
But wait...she gets away from daddy...and apparently she can outrun her aunt too.
In other summer news- Hannah received a few pools for her birthday and so she thought she would try them did her daddy. Hannah enjoyed dumping buckets of water on Justin.
This is our little neighbor boy. He turns two in a few weeks and I am sure this picture will find them someday when they are high schoolers. He really wanted to give Hannah a ride on his motorcycle and kept calling her over from across the yard. She held on tight and they were off! (For the record...the motor is broken and they had to be pushed...otherwise, yes- there would be helmets on the kids.)
Lastly, a few photos from today- Hannah is enjoying her second season at the Little Gym of Edina. Now that I am not working we attend morning classes during the week. (I like the weekend classes much better) During the week, Hannah is enrolled with a bunch of kids who have moms dressed up in their finest (and tightest) yoga spandex completely glued to their Blackberry phones and gossiping about the best fitness trainers and latest diet fads. (I guess that is what we get for where we are choosing to take Hannah for gymnastics) I however tend to hang with the low-class-other-half of the crowd who clearly act as nanny's to the kids they tote with them to the Little Gym. Or Hannah and I keep to ourselves in our Target brand clothing as we act like crazy girls, jumping and climbing all over the know, interacting. (Like you are supposed to do.)
[end judgement]
After gymnastics, we headed to uptown to do what Hannah and I do best. Shop. Lately, it's for little brother- but Hannah got a treat of her own.
I am loving spending my days with Hannah. She is SO MUCH fun right now. She is this little human that soaks everything in. Loves to shop, hang out, eat, be with her friends and read books. My oh my, is she a mini-me?!?!? She tells me every hour of the day (if not more...and it will NEVER get old.) "I love you Mama." (It sounds more like: "I wuv ooo Mama.") but it is the dang best little words that ever come out of this girls mouth. I am going to try to get it on video tape so when she is 15 I can play it back for her as a reminder that once upon a time, she really did love me.
That's it for today folks- better go feed little brother while Hannah is napping!
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