Friday, June 1, 2012

General Update

We are alive. Barely....but we are functioning- sometimes possibly even sleep walking, but I think we are pulling it off. Trying our hardest to keep things normal for Hannah while living out of cardboard boxes. We play a lot of guessing games which light switch belongs to which light...which box has our bath towels. (Drying off with a hand towel is getting old). Or perhaps it's a guessing game on our bikes once we have followed a sidewalk for too long and find ourselves having no clue where we are and how to get back home. But all the guessing and chaos is a good chaos, and we try to keep that in mind. Hannah and I came down with a cold this past week and so our sleep has not been the greatest, a lot of cuddling going on at 2am...but oddly enough, I don't mind the early morning snuggles with my little girl. Justin and I have barely seen one another- I miss him. This whole week he has been back at our old house right after work until late in the night cleaning and getting it prepared for our renters. There is no doubt about it- I married a hardworking man. Yesterday, Hannah and I stopped by the old house and Hannah could have cared less about the place. All she wanted to do was chit-chat with the old neighbors. (We will really miss them!!) Tonight we will gladly hand off the house keys to our first renters and be happy to have our Daddy back home.
Hannah is all smiles waiting for her Daddy to be back home wrestling with her....(something her mommy will not do).

In other news- here is PROOF of Hannah "shushing" me. It's her newest thing. If she doesn't like what I (or Justin) are saying she immediately shushes us and says, "Quiet Mommy!!" As soon as we respond with something along the lines of, "Hannah, you do not tell me to be quiet- it is not nice." She yells back with her hands covering her eyes, "Stop looking at me!" I would like to know who in the heck taught her to quiet someone in the first place!! Great.

In other baby news- we had an appointment this morning- baby's heartrate was in the 150s. I have been feeling great and time is flying right on by. I have a week left of school and I am looking forward to summer!!

1 comment:

Anne said...

okay....hannah shushing you is the cutest. thing. ever.