Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekend Review

Sometimes I do not know if I am coming or going these days- but what I do know for absolute sure is that I have exactly 4 more days of work until SUMMER! Now off with some photos from this past weekend's crazy events. First, let's stop to take in how my little girl "smiles." It goes something like this: I say, "Cheese!" and she immediately scrunches up her face into a "Hannah-Smile."

...and then apparently she has a question....

In more exciting news, Hannah had her very first graduation/show week! She was able to show off all her latest gymnastic skills and was honored by receiving a medal for all of her accomplishments!

Wonderful Teacher Katie....

Apparently we receive gifts for moving up a level in gymnastics...how appropriate, she was gifted a trampoline from her Grandma and Grandpa.

In other news, my mother turned 65 and so being the fabulous guy that he is- my father threw her a day of surprises. Starting off with hosting a surprise reception for everyone at church.

Justin found the book below in the church library and thought it would be funny to place it on the cake table...but seeing as the average age of my parent's congregation is 92, I am sure the laughs would be far and few between. Oh-well...we thought it was funny.

The celebration continued with my dad inviting my mom's family in from Wisconsin to join us for lunch at Kozlaks...


It was a well choreographed day by Dad.

Happy big 6-5 Mom!

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