Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Well, I survived.
More importantly though- my little girl survived her first two days of preschool.
Justin and I made the decision to enroll Hannah into a new pilot program offered by Hennepin County through in-home daycares. The idea behind the program is to offer full-time working parents the opportunity for their children to still receive a preschool education. So any licensed daycare provider who also holds an educators license is eligible to execute the preschool curriculum monitored by the county and department of education. Hannah's morning schedule consists of structured preschool learning and her afternoon schedule is that of a typical in home daycare. As you can imagine, there are not a whole lot of daycare providers out there who also hold an active educator's license, so we really lucked out in getting Hannah into this sort of setting.
Hannah had a full list of supplies and items that she would need to start in her first structured setting of being introduced to learning. As I packed her backpack and labeled her school items with her name, I had another "mommy moment." Hannah is getting too big. Her backpack (the smallest we could find- but yet has to be regulation size for all her projects and "school work") is as big as my little girl.
 Here is her first day of preschool photo.
(The best I could get all by myself at 7:30am...she looks so annoyed).
The first two weeks are dedicated to the jungle, talking all about animals. She has to bring in a fruit next week for their "jungle fruit salad." (How cute is that?!) Jennifer (her wonderfully awesome provider) hid stuffed animals all over her backyard and the kids went on a jungle hunt with little cameras strapped around their necks and took photos of all the animals that they found. Animals?.....well, she had Hannah right there. Hannah loves it.

Justin and I both dropped and picked Hannah up from her first day. (I was there to support Hannah, and Justin was there to support me.) :) I am going to be a mess when she goes to kindergarten.

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