Thursday, September 6, 2012


Fingers in the mouth (all the time) + New Daycare = Sick Child
Not that there is ever a convenient time for your kiddo to get sick....there is definitely an inconvenient time. And that inconvenient time is when it is your Mama's first week back at work.
In typical Hannah form, she has spiked a high fever (103s) but is acting totally fine. Besides wanting lots of cuddling, she is playing and still normal as can be. But with a fever like that- obviously daycare is out of the question.
I told Justin right away that he had to pull Hannah through this one all on his own no matter how long she would be down for the count. (I had my panic moment of, "I cannot miss work my first week back!) However, one problem- Justin's really good friend is getting married this weekend and he already has Friday off from work to get to the out of town wedding. So- making sure Justin keeps his job and isn't gone from work three days in a row, I had to come home this afternoon. I have been pumping Hannah full of liquids (as a result, changing diapers every 30 minutes) and basically keeping her on an IV of children's Advil. Let's hope the fever will not be around tomorrow morning...but it is not looking so good.
Oh the life of having kids.

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