Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Our little boy,

Yes, until Justin and I can agree on a boy's name- Justin has decided that it is Bob. Why Bob one might ask??.....Because according to my husband- our little man's name must be a palindrome because Hannah's name is a palindrome. (See what I have to work with here!!) So Bob it is, until I get to pick his real name. Er...I mean, until we can agree on a name. :)

 We have been stopping a lot these days to pinch ourselves and thank God for the endless blessings he has granted us. As we celebrate in our new home the love of a new little boy, we feel very fortunate for all that is going on in our lives. One boy, one girl and two absolutely thrilled parents. So much to be appreciative of!
Since Justin has taken this "boy" thing to an extreme, he asked me if he could do the entire nursery. I am not sure what got into me...but I said yes. So now it has been made a challenge. We are closing our little man's bedroom door and Justin is the only one who has rights into his room. (Again, what on earth was I thinking?!?!) Oh-well, it will be fun to see the big reveal. Until then, I will just shop for little boy clothes! :)

Hannah didn't miss out on the stylin fun. I found these little girl cowboy boots on clearance for $12!!! Originally $50!! Now that is a deal folks!! I know she will love them, this girl is into shoes. (Hmm...wonder where she gets that!) 

Well that is all for now! Don't you just love all the blog posts!? Imagine what could be accomplished if I didn't work for those 9 months! hehe.

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