Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Review

Three whole days I have been on summer vacation. One would do the math at three whole mornings that I was able to sleep in. But no. And it's not Hannah's fault- little girl has been a trooper, sleeping well past 8am (which makes this whole thing even that more frustrating!!). My very first day of summer sleep in is the exact same day that they decide to start the new construction on the house directly next door to ours. You would think that they have laws about how early you can start drilling, hammering and swearing at your coworkers...but apparently 6:30am is the start time for these guys. And if new construction is not bad enough, two houses down they have been drilling huge stakes into the ground to hold up two gigantic tents for our new neighbor's wedding this weekend. They also have an early start time. Don't they know some people are trying to sleep in around here?!?! (Don't worry, Justin does not feel bad for me either.) I am however am thankful that Hannah can sleep through it in the mornings. Gets her ready for a crying baby at all hours of the day! :)

Now onto the rest of our three-day summer updates. This is my little phone dump as I have been too lazy to grab my nice camera and haul it around.
We got grass!

Little H running errands with her Mama.

More things to do!...Lots of time in the car!

Looking too big to be my girl.

Thanking Pinterest for fun little activities that entertain Hannah for endless time. (And helping her fine motor skills!)

Preschool time- ipad style! :)

But wait, Daddy comes home and after a day with Mama of having to abide by rules and follow directions- all bets are off and it's time to wrestle.

This looks like a great idea- human trampoline...until she tries it on her Mama.
 In other news, I have made it my personal mission to have Hannah potty-trained by the end of the summer. (I really don't want two babes in diapers!!) So, this week has been a whole lot of talking about it and not so much training, but more introduction. But come Tuesday afternoon we are going full-force. Taking away her diapers except at nap and night...we should see how it goes!

And lastly, you all know that I had an ultrasound today and we did indeed find out the sex. However, we won't be sharing until Sunday. Baby is very healthy with a (finally) established due date of November 11th. Growing strong and bigger. (So is its Mommy) Heart rate comes in at 144 and it's an active little one. So throw your bets out there now because you only have to wait a few more days. here is a belly-shot for you:

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